An organization benefitting Bulgarian Orphans
Our Orphanages
Gorna Koznitsa
Ivan Rilski
Kotel Hospital
Maxim Gorki
Olga Skobeleva
Plovdiv Baby Orphanage
Queen Maria Louisa
Rada Kirkovich
Sveta Marina
Sveta Paraskeva
Tanyo Voivoda
Lom Orphanage
Number of Children: 72
Ages: 3-18 yrs.

Important: We are no longer able to assist this orphanage because of their remote location.

This orphanage is located in the northwestern part of Bulgaria on the Danube River in a town of 27,897 people.  The two story building is over 60 yrs. old.

None of the children are physically handicapped; however, approximately 80% have emotional problems, social problems and learning delays. The children are angry and emotionally disturbed, some children constantly spitting, fighting, and hitting each other.  There are usually only 3 staff members on duty who actually work bulgaria_orphanages_Lomwith the children; other staff works in the office or kitchen. In the afternoons, a few more individuals come to help with school work. On the weekends there is only two or three staff to watch the children.  The kitchen staff serves food that is inadequate both in quantity and nutrition. ?

There are two toilets indoors which are used only at night. The rest of the toilets are outside in an outhouse-type building that is very dirty and run down. There is one room with maybe 3 or 4 working showers. An organization from Spain will supply more toilets. There are 6 bedrooms where the children sleep. Most of the children have no place to put their clothes. There are not many closets and the ones they have are very old and many are broken. There are 3 rooms used as classrooms and they have old desks and not enough chairs. There isn’t a community room or living room for the children to use.
One Heart Bulgaria has purchased one set of books for each grade which the kids use after school at the orphanage for homework and studies. However, our field director has told us recently that more textbooks are still needed so these children who attend the public school can keep up with their studies.

OneHeart Bulgaria Lom OrphanageAmy DeJonge, Peace Corps worker, was our contact at this orphanage until recently when she returned to the U.S.  Amy visited the orphanage four times a week and played with the children. She also oversaw distribution of donations and when funds were available, she purchased groceries for the orphanage. She distributed backpacks that OHB purchased to the children.  Amy also organized programs for the children.  She established a once a week music program where the children can sing and be accompanied by an accordion player. She also started a weekly traditional folk dance program. We are eager to recruit another capable individual who can continue these programs and assist us at this orphanage.

To sponsor this orphanage, or to help out with a special project, contact our Sponsorship Director, Donna Dushku (

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