Main building of Vidrare. This bldg. was renovated in 2007.
Some of the younger children.
Boy, 10 years.
Music teacher, Iskra, and children during performance.
Iskra and Evgeni Dimitrov, the orphanage director, with residents of Vidrare. Thirty individuals are over 18 years. Ties, white shirts and suits were borrowed for the performance.
Bedrooms are very hot in the summer for bedridden children.
Twenty-eight children are bedridden
Bunk beds without upper safety railings. Very young children sleep in these bunks.
Child enjoying a rare treat.
Activity room.
Staffing is insufficient to care for the needs of the children.
Children with disabilities
Children in physical therapy.
Worker exercising a child .
Young disabled child.
Barn for cows and pigs.
Deborah Gardner takes a minute to visit the animals at Vidrare’s mini-farm.
Greenhouse on the right side of picture for growing fruits and vegetables