Field Director Dr. Nikolai Gavozov hands out treats to the children.
Zelenikovo Orphanage
Number of Children: 45
Ages: 4-7 yrs.
Full sponsorship: $1,400
Special Projects Available
Zelenikovo is located about 35 miles north/northeast of Plovdiv. It is a small village situated in the skirts of Sredna Gora Mountain.
Zelenikovo Orphanage has an excellent relationship with One Heart Bulgaria because children from this orphanage received care from our dental team in September of 2007. Radka Gogova, the director, sent a very nice letter of gratitude for the dental treatments given to the children. Our field director is well acquainted with this facility and tells us that the director has asked for a sponsorship to provide for the children. He also tells us that most of the children are the sweetest and most well-mannered that he has seen. There are currently 25 boys and 20 girls living here and only a few are slightly disabled. There is not a need for physical therapy.
A sponsorship would provide for many of the needs of this orphanage such as vegetables, diapers, medicines, textbooks, toys & storybooks. Zelenikovo also needs OHB representatives to provide nurturing through story time, play time and other assistance. Playground equipment, beds & bedding, and music programs are other needs.
To sponsor this orphanage, or to help out with a special project, contact our Sponsorship Director, Donna Dushku (donna.dushku@oneheart-bg.org).